Rajdhani College Delhi Recruitment 2024 @ rajdhanicollege.ac.in
Rajdhani College Delhi Recruitment
Rajdhani College (University of Delhi), New Delhi is inviting online
applications from eligible applicants for the post of Assistant Professor, in the Pay Band of Rs 15600- 39100,
AGP Rs. 6000/- (as per VI pay
Commission), in various subjects in the College.
Rajdhani College is a constituent College of the University of Delhi. Rajdhani College was established in nineteen sixty four by the Delhi Administration under the name of Government College. Rajdhani College acquired its new name when the Delhi Administration vested its governance in an autonomous governing body. Rajdhani College is West Campus College.
may check other info about Rajdhani
College Delhi Recruitment like as post name, department wise
vacancies, qualification, process of selection, pay band, how to apply,
important dates etc are given below.
www.rajdhanicollege.ac.in Jobs Online Application Form
Post Name ->> Assistant Professor
Education Qualification ->>
(1) Good academic record as defined by
the university with at least 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale
wherever grading system is followed) at the Master's Degree level in a relevant
subject from an Indian University, or an equivalent degree from an accredited
foreign university.
(2) Besides fulfilling the above
qualifications, the candidate must have cleared the National Eligibility Test
(NET) conducted by the UGC, CSIR.
Pay Band ->> Selected candidates will get Rs.
15600-39100, AGP Rs. 6000/- (as per VIth Pay Commission).
Application Fee ->>
For UR / OBC Category Candidates
->> Rs. 500/-.
No application fee will be charged from
applicants from SC, ST, PwD and Women Applicants. The Payment should be made
online only, through credit/ debit card/ Net Banking.
Selection Process ->> Selection of the candidates will be
done on the basis of their performance in interview.
How to Apply ->> Interested applicants who
are going to apply for Rajdhani College Delhi Recruitment they need to fill online
application form through official website of Rajdhani College Delhi that is rajdhanicollege.ac.in
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