Gujarat Ayurved University Recruitment 2024 @
Gujarat Ayurved University Recruitment
Institute for Post Graduate
Teaching & Research in Ayurveda, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar is going
to conduct walk in interview for the posts of Professor, Associate Professor
and Assistant Professor in various department Purely on Contractual Basis.
The University is located in Jamnagar, Gujarat, India. Gujarat Ayurved University is exclusively devoted to Ayurvedic studies and research. The University was founded as part of the reorganization of Ayurveda, after India gained independence from Britain in August nineteen forty seven.
For more info about Gujarat Ayurved University Recruitment like as post wise vacancy
details, post wise education qualification, post wise age limit, post wise pay
band, how to apply, important dates etc are given below. Jobs Application Form
Educations Qualification
(1) A
degree in Ayurved from a university established by law or a statutory Board/
Faculty/ Examining body of Indian Medicine or its equivalent as recognized
under Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970.
(2) A
Post Graduate Degree in the subject / speciality concerned included in the
schedule to Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970.
Ph.D. (Ayurved) in concerned subject.
(4) A
minimum score as stipulated in the Academic Performance Indicator (API) based
Performance Based Appraisal System. (PBAS)
Total 13 years of teaching experience in concerned subject out of which there
should be five years teaching experience as Reader / Associate Professor at
Post Graduate level in concerned subject from recognized college / Institute.
Professor ->>
(1) A
degree in Ayurved from a university established by law or a statutory Board /
Faculty / Examining body of Indian Medicine or its equivalent as recognized
under Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970.
(2) A
Post Graduate Degree in the subject / specialty concerned included in the
schedule to Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970.
Ph.D. (Ayurved) in concerned subject.
(4) A
minimum score as stipulated in the Academic Performance Indicator (API) based
Performance Based Appraisal System. (PBAS).
Experience - 08 years teaching experience in concerned subject including three
years as Lecturer / Assistant Professor at Post Graduate Teaching experience in
the concerned subject from a recognized Ayurvedic college / Institute. (OR)
Total 10 years experience as Lecturer / Assistant Professor of Under Graduate
teaching in the concerned subject recognized by Ayurvedic College / Institute.
Professor ->>
(1) A
degree in Ayurved from a university established by law or a statutory Board /
Faculty / Examining body of Indian Medicine or its equivalent as recognized
under Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970.
(2) A
Post Graduate Degree in the subject / specialty concerned included in the
schedule to Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970.
Age Limit ->>
->> 55 Years
Professor ->> 50 Years
Professor ->> 45 Years
Salary Details ->>
->> Rs. 50,000/- Per Month
Professor ->> Rs. 40,000/- Per Month
Professor ->> Rs. 35,000/- Per Month
How to Apply ->> Interested applicants who are
going to apply for Gujarat Ayurved University Recruitment they need to attend walk
in interview with application, detailed Bio-Data, original certificates,
photocopies of certificate and all the other relevant documents at given below
in Venue ->>
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