Central Employment Exchange Recruitment 2023 Application Form
Central Employment Exchange Recruitment
Central Employment Exchange is inviting
applications from eligible applicants for the posts of Vocational Instructor
(Carpentry Trade), Vocational Instructor (Commercial), Junior Weaver, Senior
Printer and Artist-cum-photographer.
Applicants who wish to recruit in Central Employment Exchange they should visit the official website of Central Employment Exchange in. Remaining details about all eligibilities for Central Employment Exchange Recruitment are provided below on this web page for all the applicants for their benefit.
For more info about Central Employment Exchange Recruitment like
as post wise vacancy details, post wise salary details, post wise education
qualification, age limit, selection process, how to apply, important dates, etc
applicants need to read given below all information very carefully.
Central Employment Exchange Application Form
Post Name
No of Vacancy
Age Limit
Pay Scale
Vocational Instructor (Carpentry Trade)
30 Years
PB-2 Rs. 9300 - 34800 + GP Rs. 4200/-
Vocational Instructor (Commercial)
As per Govt. Rules
PB-2 Rs. 9300 - 34800 + GP Rs. 4200/-
Junior Weaver
30 Years
PB-2 Rs. 5200 - 20200 + GP Rs. 2800/-
Senior Printer
30 Years
PB-2 Rs. 5200 - 20200 + GP Rs. 2800/-
30 Years
PB-2 Rs. 5200 - 20200 + GP Rs. 2800/-
Qualification and Experience ->>
Vocational Instructor (Carpentry Trade) ->
(1) Matriculation or it’s equivalent.
(2) National Trade Certificate in the appropriate trade or
National Apprenticeship Certificate in the appropriate Trade or any other
recognized equivalent qualification in the appropriate trade with at least
three years practical experience or persons from the Defence Service fulfilling
the prescribed educational qualifications and having not less than 3 years
service in the trade concerned. (Preference will be given to candidates trained
in Central Training Institute for Instructors in the appropriate trade)
Vocational Instructor (Commercial) ->
(1) Graduate of a recognized University.
(2) Diploma or Certificate in Commercial or Secretarial Practice
from a recognized Institute or the person from the Defence Services fulfilling
the prescribed educational qualification and having not less than 3 years
service in the trade concerned.
Junior Weaver ->
(1) Matriculation from a recognized Board and should have eight
years experience of Loom.
(2) Should be well - versed in all the methods of preparatory
processes for weaving.
Senior Printer ->
(1) Matriculation from a recognized or Industrial Training
Institute (ITI) Diploma with Textile Printing or Screen Printing or Fabric
Printing or Block Printing trade. Should have eight years experience in block
or screen printing or Dyeing or Processing house or in a Printing Unit of
(2) Desirable - Three years Diploma in Textile Chemistry or
three years Diploma in Handloom Technology or Diploma in Handloom and Textile
Technology or One year Post Diploma in Textile Chemistry from a recognized Institution.
Artist-cum-photographer ->
(1) B.Sc degree with
Botany, Zoology and Chemistry of B.Sc (Hons) in any of the three as principal
subject from a recognised University.
(2) 03 years experience including at least two years experience
in Photography in Scientific Laboratory/ Institution.
How to Apply ->> Interested applicants who are
going to apply for Central Employment Exchange Recruitment they need to
download application form through official website of Central Employment
Exchange & send it along with required documents at postal address which is
official notification.
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