VTUEEE 2024 Application Form, Eligibility Criteria, Exam Books, Syllabus
VTUEEE Application Form
VTUEEE Notification has been released by Vel Tech
Dr. RR & Dr. SR Technical University. The University invites
applications from educated
applicants to take admission in 4 year B.Tech degrees programs.
Vel Tech Dr. RR & Dr. SR Technical University is famous educational institution in the world. Students may take admission in this popular and full Facility University of Vel Tech Dr. RR & Dr. SR Technical. This exam is held for take admission in B. Tech programmed submitted by the Vel Tech Dr. RR & Dr. SR Technical University.
www.veltechuniv.edu.in Application Form
Applicants will fill online applications & can download
application also for B.Tech courses examination via official site of organization
that is www.veltechuniv.edu.in.
Vel Tech Technical University Engineering Scholarship
Eligibility Examination every year held through Vel Tech Dr. RR & Dr. SR
Technical University. Ewebalerts.in site of
group will bestow you full & latest information connected to Vel Tech Dr.
RR & Dr. SR Technical University therefore students may check Vel
Tech Technical University Engineering Scholarship Eligibility Examination
Applications continually on this site.
Team of Ewebalerts.in is
expanding more utility news about Vel Tech Dr. RR & Dr. SR Technical
University like as Courses Offered, education qualification, selection way,
manner to apply etc are published below on this web page. Candidates must look
below segment on this web page, please
Eligibility Criteria:
- Applicants should have completed 10+2 system of Higher Secondary Examination conducted by any State Board or equivalent.
- Those applicants appearing for 10+2 (Class XII) final or equivalent examination in April/ May can appear for VTUEEE.
Age Limit: Age of the applicant
should not more than 25 (twenty five) years.
Mode of Selection: Selection of students will
be based on Vel Tech Technical University Engineering Scholarship Eligibility Examination.
Application Fee: Applicants have to deposit
fee via demand draft for INR. 950/- drawn in the favor of “Veltech Dr. RR &
SR University”, payable at Chennai, to The Director-UG admission with a request
letter containing the full address of the candidate.
How to Apply ->>
Online Mode:
- Visit the official website of Vel Tech Dr. RR & Dr. SR Technical University - www.veltechuniv.edu.in
- Press on VTUEEE and fill the basic details.
- Login through user name and password, that you have received on mobile.
- Fill the form with all the details.
- Make the payment of fee.
- Press on submit button.
- Get the hard copy of application form for future use.
Offline Mode:
- Applicants have to first register by filling basic information.
- After that the applications and note down the application form.
- Send the filled applications with demand draft to the University mailing address stated below by registered or Speed post.
By post and person: Applications with
information brochure can be obtained by post or in person from the Admissions
Officer, VTU, at the University Office. Fill the form properly and send by
registered/ speed post to the concerned address:
For more updates about VTUEEE Online Application Form
notification like as application fee, selection process, etc visit below link:-
Admit Card: VTUEEE admit cards for the VTUEEE Exam is expected to
be issued in the month of April. VTUEEE hall tickets will be uploaded on the
official website of Vel Tech Dr. RR & Dr. SR Technical University that is
veltechunive.edu.in. Applicants are required to download and carry their hall
ticket/ call letter along with an ID proof on the day of the exam to confirm
their candidature.
VTUEEE Books: Best List of Books for All
India Vel Tech Dr.RR & Dr.SR Technical University Engineering Scholarship
Eligibility Examination Engineering Books Posted Exam in India by U. A. Bakshi,
A. V. Bakshi, by A. P. Godse , Dr. D. A. Godse, For Admission to Engineering in
Best Colleges India.
Paper Pattern for VTUEEE: Test paper shall consist a
total of 100 Questions, mainly Mathematics or Biology- 50 questions, Physics,
and Chemistry having 25 questions each as multiple choice for all B.Tech.
- All questions are multiple choice types.
- Each question shall carry one mark.
- There shall be no penalty for wrong answer.
- The duration of the test will be 2 ½ hours.
VTUEEE Physics Syllabus:
1. Mechanics:
2. Properties of matter
3. Heat and thermodynamics
4. Optics
5. Electricity
6. Magnetism
7. Atomic physics
8. Nuclear physics
9. Electronic devices
10.Laser and optic fiber
VTUEEE Chemistry Syllabus:
1. Some basic concepts in
2. S Block, P Block, d
block, f block elements
3. Co-ordination Chemistry
and Solid state Chemistry
4. Thermodynamics,
chemical equilibrium and chemical kinetics
5. Redox reactions and
6. Purification and
characterization of organic compounds
7. Some basic principles
of organic chemistry
8. Hydrocarbons
9. Organic compounds containing
10.Organic compounds
containing Oxygen
11.Bio molecules
VTUEEE Mathematics Syllabus:
1. Partial fractions
2. Complex numbers
3. Quadratic equations
4. Matrices and
5. Trigonometry
6. Permutations and Combinations
7. Binomial theorem for a
positive integral index
8. Two dimensional
coordinate geometry
9. Three dimensional
10.Vector algebra
11.Limit, continuity and
13.Ordinary differential
14.Set theory &
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