CSVTU Academic Calendar for Session 2024, UG/PG Exam Time Table
CSVTU Academic Calendar
Chhattisgarh Swami
Vivekananda Technical University is going to release UG & PG semester exams.
Lots of applicants will appear in under graduate and post graduate programme like as MCA/ Diploma/ B.E and other courses
Applicants might be downloaded CSVTU Academic Calendar in PDF form by given steps or check examination date to prepare in reasonable method therefore Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekananda Technical University has published the time table/ date sheet for this session, UG/ PG Exam.
Applicants might be downloaded CSVTU Academic Calendar in PDF form by given steps or check examination date to prepare in reasonable method therefore Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekananda Technical University has published the time table/ date sheet for this session, UG/ PG Exam.
Applicants will
download Academic Calendar / Time table through the link of the official
website of Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekananda Technical University. We will bestow
the official Link of the website. We are provide all and
upcoming details or latest news by our web site or this web page.
Chhattisgarh Swami
Vivekanand Technical University (छत्तीसगढ़ स्वामी विवेकानंद तकनीकी विश्वविद्यालय) is an Engineering and Technology University in the
city of Bhilai, India. On thirty April two thousand five, the foundation stone
of the University was laid by the Prime Minister of India (भारत के प्रधान मंत्री) Manmohan Singh. Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekananda
Technical University,Bhilai is the only University in Chhattisgarh State which
affiliates all the Engineering and Polytechnic Collages( Except NIT Raipur,
IIITNR, IIT Bhilai).
Students, you will get
this document file as CSVTU Time Table by visiting official
website of Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekananda Technical University and a link will
also be activated here to provide this good help. Lots of
applicants are taking education in Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekananda Technical
University and then they will appear in the regular semester and private
education examinations as per their time table for this session, UG/ PG Exam schedule
date sheet.
Applicants are consulted to download CSVTU admit card by roll no
or name from official web site that is given above. As per the Odd semester and
even semester educational calendar & annual exam is going to be held in the
coming month of November/ December.
CSVTU Academic Calendar ->> http://csvtu.ac.in/ew/academic-calendar/
UG/ PG Exam Course Name
Bachelor of engineering (BE)Diploma in Engineering (Polytechnic)
Master of Technology (M.Tech)
Master if Business Administration (MBA)
Master of computer Applications (MCA)
Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm)
Diploma in pharmacy (D.Pharm)
Master of Pharmacy (M.Pharm)
Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch)
PhD course
How to Download CSVTU Academic Calendar
Go on the “Academic” tab & press on the “Academic Calendar” link which is located in drop down list.
Move on the “Academic Calendar” section, press on the appropriate link & select the course for which you are going to appear the examination.
After selection the link new page of your exam schedule will open on your screen.
Take a print out of CSVTU Academic Calendar.
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