ICAR AIEEA 2024 Online Application Form, Registration UG/PG Exam Dates
ICAR AIEEA Online Application Form
Here from this web page you will obtain ICAR AIEEA Online
Application Form and Apply Online process. We are providing full required & upcoming information about The Indian Council of Agricultural
Research (ICAR) AIEEA notification including online application form, important
dates, how to apply, exam pattern and result etc.
ICAR All India Entrance Exam for Admission is a national level entrance exam held by Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR) for admission to Under Graduate degree, Post-Graduate and Ph.D. programmes in agricultural and connected subjects, other than veterinary sciences.
ICAR All India Entrance Exam for Admission is a national level entrance exam held by Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR) for admission to Under Graduate degree, Post-Graduate and Ph.D. programmes in agricultural and connected subjects, other than veterinary sciences.
Applicants who wish to take admission in Under Graduate (UG) degree,
Post Graduate (PG) and Ph.D. programmes of ICAR Institutions than applicants
should apply against ICAR AIEEA UG/PG exam notification by filling the
application forms before the last date.
Dear all applicants ready to appear in the Under Graduate (UG)
& Post Graduate (PG) Exam will fill an application form. The
application forms can fill online mode or offline mode through official site of
Indian Council of Agricultural Research that is www.icar.org.in.
Therefore applicants can apply this notification on or before
last date. Candidates keep remember that UG/ PG exam will be held on prescribed
Indian Council of Agricultural Research does publish All India
Entrance Examination every year & lot of aspirants each year applies for
All India Entrance Examination or under graduate/ post graduate Exam of Indian
Council of Agricultural Research.
ICAR AIEEA will join only eligible & talented
candidates so applicants must be very good preparation because than all
applicants who are applying they will crack in All India Entrance Examination.
After crack All India Entrance Examination, candidates can take admission in
Indian Council of Agricultural Research or UG/ PG & PhD and applicants will
good education & new technology in Indian Council of Agricultural Research
Applicants will obtain full & latest news about ICAR AIEEA
notification therefore candidates must open the continually of
our site.
UG courses (B.Sc ag./ B.Tech/B.F.Sc, etc.) are offered in the
following subjects:
Agriculture/ Horticulture/Fisheries/ Forestry/Home Science/ Sericulture/ Biotechnology/ Agricultural Engineering/
Dairy Technology/ Food Science/ Agricultural Marketing & Co-operation.
PG and PhD Courses are offered in the following fields:
Agriculture/ Horticulture/Forestry/ Home Science/ Physical
Science/ Biotechnology/ Agricultural Engineering/ Social Sciences/ Dairy
Science/ Fisheries Science/ Veterinary Science and other allied sciences
For AIEEA UG (Other than Veterinary Sciences)
GEN, UPS (Under Privileged State) and OBC categories must have
passed 10+2 examination with 50% aggregate marks (40% in case of SC/ST/PC).
12th class examination should be passed with PCM/ PCB/ PCMB/ PCA/ PCH subject
Minimum educational qualification of bachelor’s degree in
Agriculture, Veterinary, Agricultural Engineering, Fisheries, Horticulture,
Home Science, Sericulture, Dairy Technology, Forestry, Agri. Marketing and
Cooperation, Food Science, Biotechnology, Basic and allied sciences etc. is
required to be eligible for this course. Contenders who have completed their
bachelor’s degree programmes in the pattern of 10+2+5 or 10+2+4 or 10+6 years
can apply for this course. Few seats are also available for candidates
possessing bachelor’s degree in 10+2+3 education pattern. In the case of
grading point, OGPA of 6.60/10, 3.25/5, 2.60/4 is required for General, OBC and
UPS categories. The OGPA requirement of SC/ST/PC candidates will be 60/10,
2.75/5, 2.20/4, respectively. In the case of number system, at least 60% marks
for General, OBC and UPS categories is required where as for SC/ ST/ PC
category candidates 50% marks are required.
For UG:
- For GEN candidates, age must be in between 17 to 23 years.
- Relaxation of 5 years in the upper age limit of SC/ST/PC candidates will be provided.
For PG:
Contenders should not possess the age less than 19 years.
- For GEN, OBC and UPS Categories – 500/-
- For SC/ST and PC Categories – 250/-
- For GEN, OBC and UPS Categories – 600/-
- For SC/ST and PC Categories – 300/-
Rs 25/- handling charges including service tax will be
charged from the candidates who are purchasing offline form via cash payment.
- For GEN, OBC and UPS Categories – 1200/-
- For SC/ST and PC Categories – 600/-
of Payment
Online Payment:
Payment can be done through Bank challan of Syndicate
bank or credit/debit card by using the payment gateway of Canara bank/NEFT.
Offline Payment:
- Obtain offline application form from ICAR 8 institutions are required to make the payment through bank draft and it should be drawn in the favour of ICAR Unit – Education Division, ICAR, New Delhi” payable at “New Delhi”.
- Must mention your name and address on the back side of the Bank draft.
& Reservation:
- For the academic session, ICAR 22nd AIEEA UG and ICAR 22nd AIEEA PG will be conducted to admit candidates in 100% seats available at ICAR deemed-to-be-Universities namely NDRI, Karnal, RLB Central Agricultural Universities Jhansi, IARI, IVRI and CIFE.
- Undergraduate courses is offered by the NDRI, Karnal and RLB Central Agricultural Universities Jhansi
- PG is offered by the NDRI, IARI, IVRI and CIFE.
- State Agricultural Universities also provides admission through ICAR AIEEA UG and PG entrance exam. It offers 15% seats for UG degree courses and 25% seats for PG degree courses.
- SC – 15% seats
- ST – 7.5% seats
- PC – 3% seats
- UPS – 2% seats
- OBC – Reservation in Central Educational Institutions/ Universities will be as per govt. of India rules.
Exam Pattern:
- It has only single question paper containing 180 multiple choice questions.
- For stream-A, the questions will be asked in Physics, Chemistry and Biology (or Agriculture)
- For stream-B, it will be asked from Physics, Chemistry and Mathematic.
- The question paper medium will be English as well as Hindi.
- There is a negative marking of 1 mark for every incorrect answer.
- Stream-A (Agriculture/Biology) includes Agriculture, Horticulture, Fisheries, Forestry, Home Science, Sericulture, Food Science and Biotechnology stream.
- Stream-B (Mathematics) includes Agricultural Engineering, Dairy Technology, Agricultural Marketing & Co-operation, Forestry, Food Science and Biotechnology.
- Question paper of AIEEA PG admission test consists of 150 MCQ, objective type questions and 10 cross-matching type questions.
- Medium of the question paper will be English only.
- There is the provision of negative marking of 1 mark for every MCQ incorrect answer and 0.2 marks for incorrect matching type sub-question/pairing.
Important Dates ->>
Availability of online application form
Last date to submit application form
4th week of April
Last date to submit the hard copy of application form
1st week of May
Releasing of e-admit card
2nd week of May
AIEEA UG Exam Date
2nd week of May
AIEEA PG & Ph.D Exam Date
2nd week of May
2nd week of May
Declaration of result
1st week of June
In the month of July
to Apply:
Online Mode:
- You have to open the computer and connect it to the internet.
- Start the internet browser and open the official website of Indian Council of Agricultural Research which is www.icar.org.in
- Find the “ICAR AIEEA Online Application Form” link and opened this link.
- Read the application form carefully.
- Fill up the application form along with required info.
- And submit the application form.
- Take a print out of it for future use.
Offline mode:
Firstly, Applicants need to obtained form by cash payment from
Registrars of Agricultural Universities or from specified branches of Syndicate
Bank and also from ICAR Institutions by payment through Bank Draft or by Cash
through Challan. Send dully filled application form along with all required
documents at given below address on or before the last date.
“Controller of Examinations (Agril. Education),
ICAR, Room No. 216,
Krishi Anusandhan Bhavan-II, Pusa,
New Delhi–1100”
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