Periyar University Recruitment 2024 @
Periyar University Recruitment
Department of Biotechnology,
Periyar University Salem, Tamil Nadu is going to conduct walk in interview to recruit eligible applicants for
the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) to work in the research project funded
by SERB, New Delhi, Govt. of India.
The University is a university in Salem, Tamil Nadu, India. Department of Biotechnology,
Periyar University was established by the Government of Tamil Nadu in nineteen
ninety seven. Periyar University is named after social reformer Thanthai Periyar E. V.
Ramasamy. The University Grants Commissions, New Delhi bestowed 2f status in nineteen
ninety eight and 12(B) status in two thousand five to the university.
For more info about Periyar
University Recruitment like as post name, education qualification, age limit,
how to apply, walk in interview venue, important dates, etc applicants need to read given below all
information very carefully. Application Form
Post Name ->> Junior
Research Fellow (JRF)
Required Qualification
->> Applicants must have pass M.Sc./ M.Phil
Post Graduate in Biotechnology/ Microbiology/ Environmental Science/ Botany/
Zoology/ Biochemistry/ Other Life Science relevant subjects with aggregate
score 60% or 7.0 CGPA.
Age Limit ->> Maximum
age is 30 years.
Salary Details ->> Selected candidates will get Rs. 25,000/- per month
(consolidated) for initial two years, Rs. 28,000/- per month (consolidated) for third
Selection Process ->> Selection of the candidates will be
done on the basis of their performance in walk in interview.
How to Apply ->>
Applicants can appear directly
in a “Walk-in Interview” at the official address. The candidates should bring the
following documents at the time of interview:
1. Detailed Curriculum Vitae
(CV) along with valid valid photographic identity card
and passport size photograph.
2. Original and attested
photocopies of all documents, certificates, degrees, and
mark sheets.
3. Copies of certificates/
testimonials/ documents which the candidate may wish to
bring to the knowledge of the
selection committee.
No TA/DA is admissible for
attending the interview. Candidates will not be
considered in absentia.
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