Postal Assistant & Sorting Assistant Syllabus 2024 PDF Exam Pattern
Postal Assistant & Sorting Assistant Syllabus
is going to conducts Postal Assistant and
Sorting Assistant exam for the selection of various posts. Here on this page of
our portal we are discussing about Postal Assistant & Sorting Assistant
Syllabus as well as exam
paper pattern.
will face problem if you not have idea of exam. If you will be common from Postal Assistant & Sorting Assistant syllabus
then no problem will come in front of you when you will write in exam. Syllabus
of Postal Assistant & Sorting Assistant examinations will tell you, how you
can prepare to yourself according to Postal Assistant & Sorting Assistant
examinations. Examinations of Postal Assistant & Sorting Assistant will not
be very tuff but it will be highly competitive exam.
who have little bit of knowledge then you can crack Postal Assistant &
Sorting Assistant examinations very easily. Candidates who will be weak in
study they can’t crack the Postal Assistant & Sorting Assistant exams.
our portal team is providing you total information of Postal Assistant & Sorting
Assistant exams syllabus. Postal Assistant & Sorting Assistant
examinations syllabus will be as follows:-
Postal & Sorting Assistant Exams Pattern
Paper I
Written Examinations for 100 Marks
Paper II
Computer/ Typing Test
Paper I Exam Pattern
Written Examinations: Written Exam will be conducted with Aptitude
Test. Paper-I will be divided into four parts such as Part A, B, C & D.
The duration of the Aptitude Test will be for 2 (Two) hours (120
minutes). There is no negative marking for any wrong answer.
Part A
General Knowledge having 25 Marks
Part B
Mathematics is fixed for 25 Marks
Part C
English section consists of 25 Marks
Part D
Reasoning and analytical Ability part is set
up for 25 Marks
Paper II Exam Pattern
Computer/ Typing Test: The typing test will
be for duration of 30 (Thirty) minutes in which 15 (Fifteen) minutes is for
typing & 15 (Fifteen) minutes for data entry. You will have to type one
passage of 450 (Four Hundred Fifty) words in English OR 375 (Three Hundred
Seventy Five) words in Hindi to be typed with minimum speed of 30 (Thirty) words
per minute or 25 (Twenty Five) words per minute respectively.
Data entry Test will be of several figures & letters each
carrying equal marks on computer. Above test will be conducted on Computer Key
board, but not on a typewriter. Aspirants have to secure minimum qualifying
marks in this both tests.
who have any doubt about Postal Assistant
& Sorting Assistant examinations syllabus then they can also see
syllabus from official website.
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