JNTU Hall Ticket 2024 Download www.jntuh.ac.in UG, PG, R15 Admit Card
JNTU Hall Ticket
Admit cards for upcoming Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad examination has been dispatched on the official website. Candidates who are going to give the examination are eligible to download this important document. JNTU Hyderabad provides various courses to the students. Candidates can study in various under graduate, post graduate and diploma courses. Students of this university are very hard working and talented. Now time has come to show their talent in the upcoming examinations.
Admit cards of upcoming examinations will be uploaded
on the official website of Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University
Hyderabad sufficient days before the examination. It is advised to take the
hard copy of JNTU Hyderabad Examinations admit card / hall ticket in the
Information of JNTU Hyderabad Admit
Card:- Time is running very fast time is very less
for the examination, now candidates are gearing up their studies. Candidates
are advised to keep contacting with teachers they may help you in understanding
the difficult topics. Now candidates have to download the admit card if they
wish to appear in Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad examinations.
Here in this web page you are going to get the steps by which you can download
JNTUH Admit Card easily.
Steps to Download JNTU Hyderabad Hall Ticket
- Open the computer and connect it to the internet.
- Start the internet browser.
- Go to the official website of JNTU Hyderabad which is www.jntuh.ac.in
- Then find the link ‘Examinations’ in the home page of JNTU Hyderabad official website.
- Go into that link.
- After then find the link related to the examination of ‘admit cards of JNTU Hyderabad examination’.
- Now you have to fill the details whichever are demanded to check your identity on the official website of JNTU Hyderabad i.e. your registration ID and date of birth.
- Fill all the details as you have provided at the time of JNTU Hyderabad registration.
- Then your admit card on the screen.
- Save and take the hard copy of your admit card from the printer.
- Keep your admit card safe otherwise you will not be allowed to appear in the JNTU Hyderabad examination.
- Do not forget to bring your admit card of JNTU Hyderabad examination at the examination venue.
- Candidates are also advised to bring their any ID proof (original) in JNTU Hyderabad examination.
Dear candidates if you have any queries and suggestion
regarding JNTU Hyderabad examination result/ admit card/ question
paper pattern and syllabus you can comment on comment box. We will try to
response to your queries as soon as possible.
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